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New Homes Designs

New Homes Designs

New Homes Designs as you would expect. We have some work home design tailored to the model and the character of the house which will be built. Design of new houses that exist today are:

Design House Mansion / Super Large
New Homes Designs for the super big house or better known as the mansion or building super big, super-equipped with various facilities in it. His house a large, airy, many bedrooms, spacious parking, spacious parks, facilities, sports / fitness, swimming pools, places of worship, the shadow we all must all Large and Complete.

Luxury Home Design

Design of a large house with full facilities, although its size below the mansion, but - average luxury home is available all of its facilities, only its size and layout more ergonomic and my maximum.

Modern Home Design

New homes designs trends refer same house in time. Modern homes can also use the latest all-round material, interior amenities, exterior and technology is also applied to the present.

Design House Medium

Design of new houses are usually built by most families - the family settled in Indonesia. Design and function of his house is on optimizing and arranged the whole family can enjoy each room / house.

Design House Asri

New home design that refers to the construction of houses by providing space for extensive greening, will impress the cool, fresh and comfortable.

Eco-Friendly Home Design

New home design that refers to the nature of technology adaptation, the maximum utilization of natural energy such as: the energy of the sun, the coolness of fresh air, benefiting from wood, natural stone, wind, water, and good for the environment around them.

Minimalist Home Design

New home design that refers to the practical, multipurpose function, utilization of land / space in a clever, minimalist material, but interesting.

Simple Home Design

New home design that utilizes all aspects in sufficient, not excessive, taking advantage of the allocation of funds in a tight and prudent.

Tiny House Design

New Homes Designs are small, attractive and carefully land use with emphasis of basic facilities of a dwelling hous

1 Response to "New Homes Designs"

  1. Anonim says:

    luxury houses
    New home design that represents the characteristics of technology version, the highest possible using organic power such as: the power of the sun, the greatness of fresh air, enjoying wooden, diamond, wind, water, and good for the planet around them.

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